Palladio’s original facade of the Basilica in Vicenza, Italy.
Line drawing, front view.
Rendering, front view facade.
Rendering and photocollage showing an impression of the design.
3D printed model, top view.
3D printed model positioned in urban situation, Vicenza, Piazza del Signori.
Preliminary studies.
This work is the end result of the vertical design studio “DEEP” given by Elena Manferdini during the graduate semester of Architecture at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc).
The project is a reinterpretation of the current Loggia, designed by Andrea Palladio, surrounding a gothic Basilica, situated at the Palazzo del Signori in Vicenza, Italy. The formal language of the new façade seeks to follow the ornamental qualities of both gothic architecture and byzantine art.
The geometry originates from the manipulation of lines, which are being translated into architectural elements, using extrusion, blending, lofting and weaving in 3d animation software. Unlike Palladio’s Loggia did, this reinterpretation is penetrating through the original basilica, resulting in a fluent movement connecting both interior and exterior.